8 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees: Tips And Tricks For Storage

8 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees: Tips And Tricks For Storage

Why You Need Tips and Tricks for Storing 8 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees

When Christmas starts to get close, kids are going crazy as they have a list that is a mile long for their parents to get them, parents are busy as they are running from this to that trying to get everything settled, and of course, everyone is still finding the time to put up their 8 foot artificial Christmas trees with the decor of their choice. While Christmas may be hectic, we all look forward to it. However, what happens when the Christmas season is over? While it may not be as hectic, there are just as many people who dread having to put their 8 foot artificial Christmas trees and decor into storage. Why do they dread this?

For one, many people realize that putting their 8 foot artificial Christmas trees into storage along with all the other Christmas decor that they use is a long job. You have to make sure that you are doing this properly so that your 8 foot artificial Christmas trees and decor can be used again the next year. In addition, many people feel like it is simply sad to let go of the joy that Christmas brings for the New Year. Plus, who wants to wait another 11 months before you can celebrate Christmas again? However, the reality is that you do have to store your items in order to ensure that they are safe and ready for the next year. This is why we have some tips and tricks that you can use for storing your 8 foot artificial Christmas trees and other Christmas decor.

The Best Way To Store Your 8 Foot Artificial Christmas Tree

1. Always remove the decor from your 8 foot artificial Christmas trees and ensure that the tree is broken down into the pieces that it came in. You may want to consider a Christmas tree storage bag as these are great for keeping your tree safe and dry until the following year.

2. Invest in some light storage reels that are meant to keep your lights from becoming tangles and possibly not working the next year due to knots in the wiring.

3. A trick for storing your garland is to wind this around something that keeps in a nice near circle, and then put this into tote boxes or even garbage bags to ensure it is safe from water while in storage.

4. Label your boxes that you are storing items in for Christmas. There is nothing more annoying than discovering that you forgot to label the boxes and it becomes the great treasure hunt trying to find all your decor the next year.

5. Invest in ornament holders that are meant to keep the individual ornament safe. It takes away the need to wrap each individual ornament since these are separated in the holders. It is a super easy way to safeguard the ornaments when you are putting this up for storage. Overall, remember that while you may be bummed out that Christmas has passed, it will come around again next year — and it is never too early to start thinking about what theme you may want to use on your 8 foot artificial Christmas trees!

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