3 Tips for Storing Flocked Christmas Trees

tree with toys

When you own flocked Christmas trees you will find that this tree can last for many years to come, in the case where you purchase an artificial tree. However, you will find that you do have to take time to make sure that you are taking care of this Christmas tree. This is not a tree that you want to throw into the attic or basement without proper care. If you do, you will find that your tree may not be as beautiful as it was.

1. Store the tree properly

Be sure that you are storing your flocked Christmas trees properly. You will want to make sure that the tree is covered and in a location to ensure that it is not going to be damaged by water or heat. There are Christmas tree bags that are made to ensure that the tree is covered for the rest of the year until it is pulled out to use again.

2. Be easy with transporting

Flocked Christmas trees can lose some of their “snow”. This is normal. However, if you were to transport this down into the basement for storage and just throw it, chances are you are going to find that you lose even more flocking. So, be careful with transporting this to the location that you are going to store this. Be easy and ask for help if you need it.

3. Avoid hot temperatures

When storing this flocked Christmas tree, be sure that you are paying attention to the actual location. High heat can affect any type of artificial tree, so keep this in mind. Many people find it helpful to store this tree in a spare bedroom closet to ensure that the temperature is right and the tree is going to be safe for years to come.

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