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The real feel of Christmas cannot be taken far away from the tradition of the gingerbread house and the decorations also. However, most times when anyone gets to talk about this tradition, they do not say more than tradition, no one wants to talk about the ways you can decorate a gingerbread house.

Never start off your decoration on a wrong note. The best way to start is to plan out your design. Get enough supplies of candies, royal icing and other necessary items. Having made your gingerbread house, the next thing to do is to effect that your decorative plan. With the following ideas, decorating your gingerbread house to taste will not be a bother anymore.

The Emerald City Gingerbread House Design

This design idea reveals a lean green house. You can create this with a candy bar tackle box of your choice, gumballs and a lot of green goodies. The house is designed with dot and stripes lining up the roof.

The Striped and Lit-Up Gingerbread House Design

This is another phenomenal gingerbread house décor. You will need to get certain items however. Like the chocolate covered sunflower seeds for the lights and a candy bar paint can for the roof stripes.

The Candy Cane designed Gingerbread House

For this decoration, you will need a lot of Christmas candies and Candy bar paint cans also, not leaving out Candy canes, peppermint and gumdrops. To stick all of these candy canes however, you will need a lot of royal icing.

The Gold Rush Gingerbread House Décor

For this, you will cover the roof with royal icing first before you add gold stars. Pretzels will work perfectly for the front of the house. Snow piles will finish it off with that wintery feel it adds.

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